

Articles of Interest

DNR - Do Not Resuscitate

Most of us who have had to deal with medical problems involving our loved ones and have valiantly fought on behalf of our stricken members to ensure the most appropriate and adequate medical care.  Even as our medical providers are heroically seeking to help us one of the most important components in managing our medical care is being intentionally removed from this equation.

Due to the current medical requirements all of our hospitals are turning away our family members when a loved one is admitted to the hospital.  I cannot describe the heartbreaking feeling it is to see a loved one disappear into the hospital and being told you cannot stay with them nor will you likely be updated very frequently as you are told you must leave the hospital.

The patient needs a medical advocate with appropriate messaging capabilities such as Skype and or FaceTime o allow us to communicate with the family members as part of the admitting procedures. The patient’s loved ones must be included during this difficult time and a solution must be found. A designated patient advocate with appropriate contact information with the love ones will solve this problem.

Please get this message out so that we will not be excluded from our loved ones during this very difficult time.

Alexander FarrarComment